Screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template. The header contains the CacheAdvance logo, a search bar, a theme toggle button, and a GitHub link. On the left side of the screen the hero section contains a large heading and smaller introduction paragraph, followed by two call-to-action buttons labelled 'Get started' and 'View on GitHub'. On the right side is a JavaScript code example. Underneath the hero is the page heading and two sidebars. On the left is the main site navigation and on the right is the current page table of contents.
Tailwind CSS, Next.js, React
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A powerful documentation template by the Tailwind CSS team.

Syntax is a beautiful documentation template built with Tailwind CSS and Next.js, designed and built by the Tailwind CSS team.

Use this template for your own website

Screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template. The header contains the CacheAdvance logo, a search bar, a theme toggle button, and a GitHub link. In the center of the screen is the main page content, with a heading, introduction paragraph, and four quick link blocks in a two-by-two grid layout. Each quick link has a stylized icon and short description. The content is flanked by two sidebars. On the left is the main site navigation and on the right is the current page table of contents.
The getting started guide with a two-by-two grid with links to other sections of the documentation.
Mobile screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template main navigation. The navigation overlay extends from the left side of the screen and covers the site content. There is a close button and logo at the top of the overlay. The site pages listed top to bottom and are grouped into categories with headings.
Mobile screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template. The header contains a menu button, the CacheAdvance logo, a search button, a theme toggle button, and a GitHub link. The hero section contains a large heading and smaller introduction paragraph, followed by two call-to-action buttons labelled 'Get started' and 'View on GitHub'. Underneath is a JavaScript code example.
Mobile screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template. The header contains a menu button, the CacheAdvance logo, a search button, a theme toggle button, and a GitHub link. The main page content contains a heading, introduction paragraph, and quick link blocks. Each quick link has a stylized icon and short description.
What browsing the documentation on a mobile device looks like.
Screenshot of the Syntax Tailwind UI template. The header contains the CacheAdvance logo, a search bar, a theme toggle button, and a GitHub link. In the center of the screen is the main page content, with a warning callout at the top and a JavaScript code example at the bottom. The content is flanked by two sidebars. On the left is the main site navigation and on the right is the current page table of contents.
A section of the getting started guide showing a warning message and what a code snippet looks like.