Screenshot of the Lemon Squeezy home page. The header contains the Lemon Squeezy logo and site navigation, as well as 'Sign In' and 'Get started' buttons. On the left side of the screen is a short description of the product and a user testimonial. On the right is an image of a person sat cross-legged with a Lemon Squeezy laptop on their lap.
Tailwind CSS, Laravel, Vue
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Lemon Squeezy

An all-in-one platform for selling digital products online.

Lemon Squeezy is an all-in-one platform for software businesses, covering payments, subscriptions, tax compliance, digital downloads, licensing, email marketing, and a few other things. The Lemon Squeezy app is built using Laravel and Vue. Both the website and app use Tailwind CSS.

Screenshot of a call-to-action section on the Lemon Squeezy website. The section contains a 'Get started' button and an image of a tablet with the Lemon Squeezy dashboard on its screen.
A call-to-action section using an iPad to show a screenshot of the Lemon Squeezy product.
Screenshot of the 'Create your store' section of the Lemon Squeezy website. The section contains an example of a ecommerce website that user's can build with Lemon Squeezy.
Section of the homepage showing what a Lemon Squeezy store looks like. The screenshot is presented in a browser window.
Mobile screenshot of the Lemon Squeezy home page. The header contains the Lemon Squeezy logo, a menu button, and a 'Get started' button. Below the header is a short description of the product and a user testimonial.
Mobile screenshot of the 'Join your fellow creators' section on the Lemon Squeezy website. The section contains a 'Get started' button and a user testimonial.
Mobile screenshot of the 'We’re here to help' section on the Lemon Squeezy website. A mockup of a book is shown with a short description and a link to 'Grab your free guide'.
The Lemon Squeezy website experience on mobile devices.
Screenshot of the 'We’re here to help' section on the Lemon Squeezy website. A mockup of a book is shown on the right side of the screen with a short description and a link to 'Grab your free guide'. Below that is mention of Lemon Squeezy swag that is 'Coming soon'. On the left side of the screen is a collection of decorative circles with images inside them: a typewriter, a phone, and some people.
A feature section with art on the left side and content on the right side. The content section contains two call-to-actions styled as two separate cards.
Screenshot of the roadmap page on the Lemon Squeezy website. The roadmap is arrange in three columns labelled 'Now', 'Next', and 'Later', from left to right. Each roadmap item has a short description and a tag such as 'Improvement'.
On the roadmap page, the Lemon Squeezy roadmap is presented in three columns: New, Next, and Later.