Screenshot of the Dizzie home page. The header contains the Dizzie logo, main navigation, and a search bar. The hero section contains a photograph of someone pouring red lentils into a mason jar. It also contains a Trustpilot rating and a 'Start shopping' call-to-action button.
Tailwind CSS, Elixir / Phoenix
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An online grocery store for waste-free shopping.

Dizzie is an e-commerce website that sells food and household goods without plastic or waste. Goods are delivered in environmentally friendly packaging that is returned and reused. The Dizzie webshop is an Elixir / Phoenix app and is built with Tailwind CSS.

Screenshot showing a list of pantry products on the Dizzie website. The products are arranged left-to-right and each has a photograph, a weight, a price, and an 'Add to basket' button. Above the products is a list of categories to filter by, such as 'Noodles' and 'Coffee'.
Product overview page showing each store category on its own line.
Mobile screenshot of the Dizzie home page. The header contains the Dizzie logo, a menu button, and a search button. The hero section contains a photograph of someone pouring red lentils into a mason jar. It also contains a Trustpilot rating and a 'Start shopping' call-to-action button.
Mobile screenshot of the Dizzie website's main navigation. The navigation overlay covers the whole screen and lists the product types such as 'Noodles' and 'Coffee'. There is a 'back' button and a 'close' button at the top of the screen.
Mobile screenshot showing a list of household products on the Dizzie website. The products are arranged left-to-right and each has a photograph, a price, and an 'Add' button. The list extends off screen to the right.
The Dizzie website and shipping experience on mobile devices.
Screenshot of the 'How dizzie works' page of the Dizzie website. The header contains the Dizzie logo, main navigation, and a search bar. An image shows Dizzie pots being decanted into mason jars. Beside this the Dizzie process is explained in three steps with short descriptions and stylized icons.
A 'how it works' section highlighting the three-step process of shopping on Dizzie.
Screenshot of the 'Plastic-saving packaging' section of the Dizzie website. The header contains the Dizzie logo, main navigation, and a search bar. A photograph on the right side shows Dizzie pots stacked on top of each other. Beside this a paragraph explains that Dizzie pots are reusable up to 100 times.
A feature section with a heading and paragraph next to a product picture.